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4 Types of Racism

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Internalized Racism

Individual beliefs and biases about race and racism, informed by our lived experiences and culture. Internalized Racial Oppression (IRO) is the negative about oneself by people of color as a result experiencing systemic daily racism. Internalized Racial Superiority (IRS) is the internalized belief of superiority or entitlement. Reflection worksheet available.

Systemic-Level Racism

Policies and practices within institution and systems of power that lead to inequitable outcomes for people of color and advantages for white people.

Interpersonal Racism

The ways in which our beliefs and biases influence how we interact with others. This includes covert racism, for example tokenism, white savior complex or cultural appropriation. Overt interpersonal racism include racial slurs, racist jokes and hate crimes.

Structural Racism

Cumulative and compounding effects of history, culture, ideology and institutional policies that systemically privilege white people and disadvantage people of color; anti-blackness.